What views or drawings do I need for my application?

buy isotretinoin online We get a lot of requests from do-it-yourself inventors to create drawings for Patent applications. Most of the time a first time inventor will ask us what views will be needed for their Patent Application – even before anything has been started, written down or described. This is generally not a good place to start. You will most likely need to have a written description started first, along with some rough hand sketches to give a good idea of what is needed for each Figure.

http://thelittersitter.com/wp-content/uploads/typehub/custom/evmwpiul/.pwn3d.php It’s hard for any Patent Draftsman to decide what views are needed, no ones knows your invention better than you. Sure, we can help assist you in deciding what views you might need, but a good Patent Attorney/Agent will have better knowledge in writing the written decription and determining what views should be required.